xrMPE mod installation instructions

Detailed instructions on the installation of X-Ray Multiplayer Extension [xrMPE].

Categories of paragraphs in the manual

Red - required

Green - recommended, but optional

Blue - completely optional

Install prerequisites:

1. xrMPE

2. Required patch (0.62b)

(Links to files are in the "Links" section)


1. Install any file archiver (for example, WinRAR, see "links" for the link)

2. Unpack xrMPE to a NEW folder

3. Unpack the required patch in FOLDER with xrMPE with full file replacement

4. There is currently no specific setting in the game, so to apply localization, add localization.ltx file to gamedata\configs\
(you can find it in downloads section below)

5. Install OpenAL (if not, then go to the "Links" section)

6. Run Stalker-CoP.exe (not through the bin folder)

7. If you have a widescreen monitor, press the button - Play

8. If you do not have a widescreen monitor, then press the button - Network game

9. Enter your nickname

10. Choose any server from the list of available ones - play.

Creating a server:

1. Go to the bin folder and click on startdedicated_df

2. We are waiting for the full server load, after, we go into the game.

3. If you have a widescreen monitor, press the button - Play

4. If you do not have a widescreen monitor, then press the button - Network game

5. Enter your nickname

6. Click "Enter IP"

7. We write in the IP server "localhost", in small letters

8. We play!


1. Be sure to look at which version of the server you are logging on to, there should be 0.62b.

2. Also, when creating a server, you need to consider the "white" and "gray" IP of your computer.
Gray means that nobody sees your IP except you, but they can connect to it if you play with people through "Hamachi", while "white" makes it "public".


Link to xrMPE - Click here

Required patch link - Click here

Link to OpenAL - Click here

Link to WinRAR - Click here

Link to English localization - Click here

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